Astronauta baixa em novo clipe do Motormama
A música "Não Sou Mais o Mesmo Sujeito", da Motormama, acaba de ganhar um inusitado videoclipe: [youtube][/youtube] A música faz faz parte do quarto e mais novo álbum do Motormama intitulado "Fogos de Artifício", lançado no começo de 2017. No clipe, o major Tom ‘Pig’ Gagarin, cosmonauta sul-americano, volta a sua
Lautmusik e Lava Divers em shows por SP
Lautmusik, Firefriend e Early Morning Sky - 07/outubro 21h Espaço Capote (Guarulhos / SP) mais Lautmusik e Firefriend - 08/outubro 20h Breve (SP) mais Lava Divers e The Hexx - 11/outubro 19h Breve (SP) mais
Countryside astronaut in Motormama’s new music video
Motormama's song "Não Sou Mais o Mesmo Sujeito," has now an unusual music video: [youtube][/youtube] The song is taken from their 4th and most recent album "Fogos de Artifício" released in early 2017. In the music video, Major Tom 'Pig' Gagarin, a South American cosmonaut, returns to his hometown for a night out
Todas as músicas inéditas da compilação “Come On Feel the NoiZe – BraZil Class” do TBTCI
Em junho, o The Blog That Celebrates Itself, lançou a coletânea "Come On Feel the Noize - Brazil Class'17" com 24 músicas inéditas de bandas brasileiras. Entre as 24, mais de um terço (nove) têm parceria com o midsummer madness. Resolvemos agrupar as músicas e contar um pouquinho mais sobre
Lautmusik’s animated music video
Last August Lautmusik, post-punk 5 piece from the South of Brazil, published a music video for the song "Stargazer" [youtube][/youtube] The song is on the 2nd album, "Juniper", released in 2015 by midsummer madness. The music video was directed by Maria Alice Machado and photography direction was in the hands
80’s synth dream pop: Frabin’s 4 new songs are out
Frabin released last week a new EP titled "Nope" with four new tracks. This is Victor Fabrin's solo project first new songs after his debut was out in 2015. [youtube][/youtube] One of new songs, "Habits", already has a music video made in VHS. Those songs were recorded at Frabin's home