Echo Upstairs inundado de elogios de blogs estrangeiros

O segundo single do Echo Upstairs saiu dia 20/11 e entrou no radar de vários blogs especializados em shoegaze e dream pop. As opiniões são para deixar todo mundo extasiado:
Clouds evokes the same feeling you had when you listened to My Bloody Valentine for the first time. It’s the same out of body experience, as you gently saunter through the dreamy soundscape, returning down to earth once your time with them is up. Clouds is an astonishingly composed track that sticks with you like no other.
Xune Mag
The Brazilian outfit takes elements of shoegaze, dreampop, and psychedelia and blends them into just under four minutes of escapist rock beauty. Some classic bands can be heard in the mix – Cocteau Twins, My Bloody Valentine, and Curve in the way they weave reverb-laden guitars with metronomic percussion.
Analogue Trash
Overcast tones and soft vocals, overall, Clouds perfectly captures the quintessential sound of shoegaze and it’s the kind you can never go wrong about.
Start Track
You will quite literally feel like you are floating on top of a cloud as you listen. If you are a fan of 90’s shoegaze and modern ambient dream pop acts like Men I Trust and, dare I say it, my own artist Graywave then you are going to love this song.
Indie Midlands
Echo Upstairs stand out with their poetic songwriting, mystic melodies and dynamic instrumentation. Pioneers of the sound A.R. Kane would love this band, and a show with them together would be brilliant.
American Pancake
…and it comes with a visually hazy video which coincides with the music’s ethereal dreampop fragility.
Aqui no Brasil, o Floga-se dedicou um grande texto para contar a estória da banda e ainda acrescentou: “Lenta, ‘Clouds’ é cheia de redemoinhos de guitarra, mergulhada em delays e reverb. Entrega as referências estéticas da banda que apontam pro passado, safra Lush, Ride, My Bloody Valentine, Solwdive, sem se esquecer da turma mais nova — Crystal Canyon, Fever Dream, Trementina, Pinkyshinnyultrablast, Revrevrev — que abusa dos efeitos, e do volume e do loud-quiet-loud como ensinaram os heróis do passado”.